I've been a fan of Gdevelop since before even knowing any programming languages. There is something wonderful about the design of the editor and especially the event sheet- which allows non-programmers to quickly create their own game prototypes.

In this last week I made another commit- that adds a sound effects editor to Gdevelop - straight inside the IDE.
My goal with this is to make Gdevelop a stronger tool for rapid prototyping and game jam events - put it in the hands of artists in the team. Something as trivial as finding good basic sound effects and putting them inside your game might take 30 minutes or more - with this addition there will be no need to search for it, download,import and so on. You can even tweak the effects.The library I initially chose was https://github.com/loov/jsfx. https://github.com/4ian/GDevelop/pull/695
Jfxr: https://github.com/ttencate/jfxr https://github.com/4ian/GDevelop/pull/716
This is how it looks like now:
The idea for this came from remembering being on a gamejam- where we had 1 artist (me), one musician, one generalist and 2 programmers. My friend- the musician spent time on the music, but had to stop working on it on the second day- in order to look for basic sound effects. He lost some time also setting the software for making music (renoise). I thought- if we knew about this generator back then- it would have given him more time for the game music. A lot of games at that event didn't have good basic sound effects because they ran out of time, but those that did- the sound effects made a big difference on their play 'feeling'.
The event sheet in Gdevelop encourages artists without programming knowledge to try to make games, the pixelart and music editors should invite them to use Gdevelop even more. The IDE will give them a complete and very intuitive dev environment that is both effective and fun to use - like a fantasy console,but without limitations.
All of this of course would never be possible without the incredible work done by Gdevelop, jsfx, jfxr and piskel's creators. My role in this was only in making them work seamlessly under one IDE- together and deliver a good user experience.