Letters of recommendation:
Robert Popov (Assikart studio)

Game republic- 2013 - Won 3rd place for Best art in Game Froggy (credited on Art direction and Animation)
Game Jam Plovdiv 2014 - Won the industry award (by Gameloft)

Academic Excellence Award
CG Coach 2010-

Excellence in rigging
Graduated from the University of Bradford- 2009-2013 with a first !
Short Bio:
Hi there. My name is Todor and I graduated Computer animation at Bradford university.
The artistic process fascinates me. I want to be a part of it or be a driving force behind it. This certainly does not mean that my ultimate goal is to work at Pixar or something like that . I just want to work and love that work,because it is interesting. Be it a computer animation or a video game.
Previous Experience
2014-2015 - read more in CV (scroll to top of this page)
2013 - Graduated from University of Bradford First Class Honours with Diploma of Industrial Studies with Distinction".
2009-2013- Student at the university of Bradford- studying 3d animation
2011 - Lab assistant and ambassador for The University of Bradford
2013 mart-may - Bradford working Academy, Gaslight Games project for BBC- commissioned to create animated 2d assets for 3 games.
2013 - Graduated from University of Bradford First Class Honours with Diploma of Industrial Studies with Distinction".
2009-2013- Student at the university of Bradford- studying 3d animation
2011 - Lab assistant and ambassador for The University of Bradford
2013 mart-may - Bradford working Academy, Gaslight Games project for BBC- commissioned to create animated 2d assets for 3 games.
2011-2012- Worked at Disney interactive studios in London,UK - one year Production internship contract.

2008-2009- worked for Asikart studio as a flash animator. Mainly used Flash cs3 and Photoshop cs3.I wasn't supposed to draw anything- only animate.All the animations that I made were my own- I could never get the ones from the chara library to fit the storyboard.The character libraries that I had to work with were a complete mess.I had to spend a lot of time fixing and rearranging it,cutting limbs and moving symbols...It was made by some Chinese studio and even the layers were unreadable.. I got my paychecks at the end of each episode or branch of episodes- Scoyo and Bio- two german productions for kids learning interactive animations...I think that you can google scoyo.
2009- Before applying for university, I went to a classic animation courses (dont let the name fool you- it was drawing on paper mostly) for a couple of months, which helped me better my drawing skills and have some fun with my old boss Robert Popov. He taught me a lot about cartoon art - what makes it good or bad, what to avoid.
2009- Made series of illustrations for the cover of a book by Alistair Hayes- "The Salmon Road" . This experience helped me understand the shortcomings of CMYK colour mode and the importance of keeping colours in gamut range.
2007,2009- freelance- worked as a website translator- translated tourism-related websites, while being careful not to mess up their html/php tags. I used to get a lot of paychecks through paypal. Some of the money that I earned from this job and other part-time works,I saved for the laptop and wacom tablet that I bought. I bought it myself- no mommy,no daddy heheh
2004-2007 - worked on the development of vector linux. You can see my nickname in the installer's credits- "blurymind" . I worked as a beta tester,packager and graphics design (custom icons,themes,application buttons..) This one was of course voluntary ...
My Mentors (so far):
James Brace - Is a veteran Art director at Disney Interactive Studios. I had the incredible luck of being under his wing as a production intern for a whole year. I learned a lot about art direction in video games, pitching, green lights, indie movie production , cameras, editing, and many other things from him. He's a great friend, great person to work with/for.
Check out his imdb page or metacritic page. Vote him up if you can :)
Rober Popov- Is a veteran classic animator, whom I worked for and was taught by in cartoon art, character design, background designs, flash animation.
The man has worked on a big number of feature animated films and series- mostly european. Do check out his blog and imdb page!
If you are a teacher or someone whom I have worked for, please accept my apology. The word "mentor" is a very strong one. It's a person who has affected me strongly creatively- someone whom I know for sure I owe some of my skills to.
My Mentors (so far):
James Brace - Is a veteran Art director at Disney Interactive Studios. I had the incredible luck of being under his wing as a production intern for a whole year. I learned a lot about art direction in video games, pitching, green lights, indie movie production , cameras, editing, and many other things from him. He's a great friend, great person to work with/for.
Check out his imdb page or metacritic page. Vote him up if you can :)
Rober Popov- Is a veteran classic animator, whom I worked for and was taught by in cartoon art, character design, background designs, flash animation.
The man has worked on a big number of feature animated films and series- mostly european. Do check out his blog and imdb page!
If you are a teacher or someone whom I have worked for, please accept my apology. The word "mentor" is a very strong one. It's a person who has affected me strongly creatively- someone whom I know for sure I owe some of my skills to.
List of Sofware that I know how to use
note that these are just tools to me, so their workflow is almost the same,only different buttons and some advantages here and there. I added links to the software that is open source/ free for everyone to use :)
Zbrush- sculpting, retopology, uv mapping, poly painting (textures)
Autodesk Maya- modelling (polygon,nurbs and subD), uv mapping, Rigging and skinning, 3d Animation)
3dCoat- retopology, texture (+bump,normal,etc ect maps) painting, Uv Mapping
Autodesk Mudbox- texture (+displacement,normal,ect maps) painting
Blender 2.5^ - Modelling, sculpting, UV mapping, texture painting
Adobe- Photoshop - illustration, non destructive editing on textures/maps, etc
Gimp- illustration, non destructive editing of textures/maps, etc
mypaint- concept art
Artrage- concept art, illustration
paint tool sai- concept art, illustration
inkScape- Vector graphics
Illustrator- Vector graphics
Flash (vector drawing-tracing,2d animation)
ToonBoom Studio 6 -2d Animation
Compositing/video editing:
Adobe After effects - editing video timing and picture, Compositing, motion tracking
Final cut pro- editing video timing and picture+ sound, compositing
KdenLive- video editing, adding music+ sound effects, picture correction,etc
Autodesk Matchmover - 3d motion tracking
Mocha - 2d tracking
Lmms- music composition
DropBox - backup files
Google.DOCs - word processing, planning, presentations, spreadsheets- Project organising
ToggL- Time tracking/management
Remember the milk- Time management
Shutter - screenshot and annotation tool
DJV imaging - Sequence viewer (better than fcheck)
Bulk rename utility - Mass rename tool (useful for sequences)
Microsoft or google docs - Powerpoint, EXCEL, Word
Wacom Bamboo Fun A5
Wacom Graphire4 xl A5
M-Audio keystation 49e
HP Pavilion Dv7